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- Driver, Shield for Arduino
4-Channel Relay Shield v0.9b for Arduino Uno
- RM17.90
- This is a shield equipped with relays for Arduino to control high power loads up to 3A.
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- Sensors, Shield for Arduino
9-in-1 Learning Shield for Arduino Uno
- RM19.90
- This is a 9-in-1 learning shield which has 9 different sensors with buttons and I2C and UART interface pins.
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- Driver, Shield for Arduino
CNC Router Shield v3.0 for Arduino Uno
- RM7.90
- This is a shield that can convert your Arduino Uno into a CNC machine controller with ease.
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- Input, Shield for Arduino
Gaming Joystick Shield v1.A for Arduino Uno
- RM8.90
- The joystick Shield V1.A will let you turn your Arduino board into a controller like the game console system.
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- Controller, Driver, Shield for Arduino
L293D Motor Driver Shield for Arduino Uno
- RM9.90
- This is a motor driver shield designed for Arduino Uno (or Mega) to drive 4 brush motors or 2 stepper motors.
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- ESP8266 Board
L293D Motor Driver Shield for NodeMCU
- RM9.90
- This shield is compatible ONLY for NodeMCU Amica and NodeMCU V2 variant.
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- Controller, Driver, Shield for Arduino
L298P Motor Driver Shield for Arduino Uno
- RM49.00
- This is an upgraded version of Arduino Uno L293D Motor Driver Shield, which comes with a lot more features!
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- Display, Shield for Arduino
LCD1602 Keypad Shield for Arduino Uno
- RM12.90
- This is a shield designed to equip a LCD1602 and 5 push buttons into one, suitable for Arduino Uno (or Mega) form factor boards.
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- Display, Input, Shield for Arduino
Multifunction Learning Shield for Arduino Uno
- RM10.90
- This shield is designed for Arduino Uno (or Mega) to access to a range of features which makes it ideal for beginners who wants to experiment and learn.
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- Shield for Arduino
Prototyping Shield for Arduino Uno
- RM5.90
- This is a shield used to make prototype circuits that can be directly insert to Arduino Uno (or Mega). Also known as ProtoShield. Package includes 1 x Arduino Uno Prototyping Shield 1 x Breadboard Mini SYB-170
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- Controller, Sensors, Shield for Arduino
Sensor Shield v5.0 for Arduino Uno
- RM5.90
- This is an IO expansion shield designed for Arduino Uno (or Mega) that allows you to connect to many sensor modules and servo motors easily. Editor's Choice!
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- Adapter, Shield for Arduino
USB Host Shield for Arduino Uno
- RM99.00
- This is revision 2.0 of USB Host Shield. You can use this shield with Arduino to make it able to directly interface with USB device.
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- Shield for Arduino, Wireless
W5100 Ethernet Shield v2.0 for Arduino Uno
- RM79.00
- This shield enables you to connect Arduino Uno (or Mega) to internet connectivity via Ethernet network.