Nano Compatible (CH340)


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SKU: MCU-ARD-MAIN-NANOV3 Category: Tags: ,


The Arduino Nano is the smaller brother board to Arduino Uno R3 which is a breadboard-friendly board get started with electronics and coding. This module is can fit almost all type of applications due to its small size but powerful, you can design a PCB board that can plug an Arduino board onto it easily because it is already designed like a dual-in-line chip.

This is a clone board of the original Arduino Nano v3.0 board that uses the same microcontroller (ATmega328P). This board is Arduino-Compatible, which means that you can use it the same way you use the original Arduino Nano, but with a much cheaper price! This boards uses an CH340 instead of the FTDI found on the Arduino Nano.

Arduino Nano has 2 extra analog-only pins which does not present in Arduino Uno boards. This module does not have DC jack for power input like an Arduino Uno does, but you can always feed in power of 7 – 12VDC at the VIN pin for powering up the Nano.

This board uses USB Type-B Mini data cable to transceive data and upload program into it.


Operating Voltage5 V
Flash Memory32 KB of which 2 KB used by bootloader
Clock Speed16 MHz
Analog IN Pins8
DC Current per I/O Pins40 mA (I/O Pins)
Input Voltage7-12 V
Digital I/O Pins22 (6 of which are PWM)
PWM Output6
Power Consumption19 mA
PCB Size18 x 45 mm
Weight7 g

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Weight5 g
Dimensions45 × 20 × 20 mm