USB Serial Adapter Module for ESP-01


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SKU: IOT-ESP8266-ESP01-ADAPTER-USB Category: Tags: , , ,
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This is an adapter board to allow interfacing between ESP-01 and your computer. Simply inserting the USB connector to your laptop or computer to get started with the ESP-01. There is a socket slot wired for ESP-01, you just need to insert the ESP-01 according to the orientation pointed.

It uses CH340 serial interface chip for USB to Serial bridge.


  • Designed to provide USB to serial link to ESP-01 module
  • Plug and Use (Just might need to install CH340 driver for 1st time)
  • Adapter board integrated 1000uF capacitor, to ensure stable operation of ESP-01 even with USB powered
  • The CH340 comes with SMD crystal oscillator to enhance the stability of the USB to serial communication
  • Possible to modify and become USB programmer or loader for ESP-01 module

Files & Information

Additional information

Weight8 g
Dimensions30 × 12 × 10 mm