MH Magnetic Reed Switch Sensor Module


This is a sensor you can use with Arduino to sense the presence of constant magnetic field, such as permanent magnet.

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SKU: MDU-SEN-MH-REED Category: Tags: , , ,


MH Sensor Series

This is an easy to use sensor module you can use to sense the presence of constant magnetic field, such as a permanent magnet. If a magnetic field is very near to the glass reed switch, the magnetic contactor will bend and touch the another conductor, allowing current to flow though the switch, this will lower the output signal at DO pin.

Note : this sensor only works in DIGITAL mode. You can connect the digital output (DO) to sense the proximity of magnet.


Specific Features

  • Comes with reed switch in glass that is very sensitive to constant magnetic field when close to it
  • Proximity range : < 5cm (depend on how strong your magnet is)


Common Features

  • Logical IC : LM393
  • Operating voltage : 3.3 – 5V
  • Output current : ?15 mA
  • Adjustable sensitivity via potentiometer
  • Comes with LED indicators for POWER and OUTPUT
  • Fixed bolt holes for easy installation



VCCPower sourceConnect to 3.3V or 5V of system
GNDGroundConnect to GND of system
DODigital OutputConnect to any digital IO pin


Files & Documentation

Additional information

Weight5 g
Dimensions32 × 14 × 10 mm