LM386 Audio Amplifier Module


Audio amplifier for small speakers.

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SKU: MDU-DVR-AUD-LM386 Categories: , Tags: , ,


This module is a mono (1-channel) audio amplifier based on the LM386 chip. To make stereo amplifier, you need two of this module on each channel. It operates at 4V ? 12V and provide up to 325mW of power. The output can drive loads from 4 to 32 ohms. The lower the resistance of the load, the more power it can provide, so a 4 ohm speaker will be about twice as loud as an 8 ohm speaker. The gain is fixed at 200x, but volume can be adjusted using the potentiometer on the module.


  • Operating voltage : 4 – 12 V
  • Maximum voltage : 15 V
  • Power output : 325 mW (at 6V) or 500 mW (at 9V)
  • Gain is 200x of the original signal, adjustable via potentiometer



VCCPower sourceConnect to 5 – 12V source
INInput audio signalConnect to your Audio signal
GNDGroundConnect to GND or negative terminal of power
GNDGroundConnect to GND or negative terminal of power
OUTOutput (Terminal)Connect to speaker positive terminal
GNDGround (Terminal)Connect to speaker negative terminal


(Source : Protosupplies)




Additional information

Weight5 g
Dimensions41 × 15 × 10 mm