L298N Motor Driver Module


Popular motor driver L298N

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SKU: MDU-DVR-MTR-L298N Category: Tags: , ,
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This is the most popular motor driver available for you to learn how to drive up to 2 motors bidirectionally (forward and backward), so you can build your own wheeled mobile robot!

You can also use this motor driver to drive 2 separate DC motors, or combine both output terminals to drive 1 stepper motor.


  • Uses L298N dual H-bridge motor driver with large heatsink
  • Motor voltage : 7 – 12 V
  • Logic voltage : 5 V
  • Maximum current : 2.5A (peak), 1.5 A (nominal)
  • Controls 2 DC motors or 1 stepper motor
  • Has built-in 5V regulator



+12VPower sourceConnect to the positive terminal of power source
GNDGroundConnect to both the negative terminal of power source AND ground of system
+5V5V outputConnect to the VCC of system if needed, omit if you already have power for system
OUT1, OUT2Output terminal of device AConnect to your actuator device A
OUT3, OUT4Output terminal of device BConnect to your actuator device B
ENAEnable AConnect to 5V or digital pin of Arduino
ENBEnable BConnect to 5V or digital pin of Arduino
IN1, IN2Direction control AConnect to digital pin of Arduino
IN3, IN4Direction control BConnect to digital pin of Arduino

Power source can be either battery or power adapter

Note : The Ground of both power source and your Arduino (or other microcontroller) must be shared in common in order for the driver to receive correct input signals and work properly. Check the polarity of your motor (or any actuator) to be controlled with the OUT1, OUT2, OUT3, OUT4 terminals, swap the connection for correcting the direction of operation.


Friendly Reminder

Peak current is 2.5A, running continuously at this current for long time will cause the driver to get hot and eventually damage it. To run continuously without damaging the driver, identify your motor (or other actuator) and make sure it can be operated below 1.5A.

Enable pins (ENA) and (ENB) is fitted with jumper cap that hook up the pins to 5V for full speed, this is done by default. You can remove the cap and connect ENA and ENB pins to microcontroller for variable speed control.



Additional information

Weight12 g
Dimensions43 × 43 × 25 mm